
About me


Hi! Welcome to Blue Libélula!

My name is Itziar and I am a watercolour artist and Spanish teacher from Spain based in the Czech Republic (Europe). I sell vinyl stickers with my original artwork, inspired by the beauty of nature.

When I discovered watercolour I just could not stop painting. Painting has become a very important part of my life. It gives me balance and allows me to focus. The idea of this shop started when I bought my new bike. It was grey and I realised it needed a touch of colour and positive energy, so I decided to meke stickers to embellish it. From there, I started to create designs that could become stickers for other items, like my laptop, my notebooks or my car… All the people around me loved my drawings, paintings and stickers, so I thought more people would like to have them as well… Blue Libélula is the result of all this positive feedback and happy painting experiences.

I choose subjects that inspire me. I love being in contact with nature, so it is natural for me to select plants, flowers, animals and sports to create my designs. I mainly use watercolour to paint my illustrations, but I sometimes like using ink or gouache as well.

I hope you enjoy my designs! I wish you all the best!
